He has been subjected to criminal punishment due to an intentional crime or a crime committed because of negligence of duty; 因故意犯罪或者职务过失犯罪受过刑事处罚的;
By this way of classification, there are three types of torts: intentional torts, torts of negligence and strict liability torts. 根据这种分类方法,侵权行为可分为三种类型:故意侵权行为、过失侵权行为和严格责任制侵权行为。
Under a gratuitous agency appointment contract, if the principal sustains any loss due to the agent's intentional misconduct or gross negligence, the principal may claim damages. 无偿的委托合同,因受托人的故意或者重大过失给委托人造成损失的,委托人可以要求赔偿损失。
Excluding one party's liability for property loss caused to the other party by its intentional misconduct or gross negligence. 因故意或者重大过失造成对方财产损失的。
Loss of or damage to the insured property or expenses caused by intentional act or gross negligence of the Insured or his representative; 被保险人及其代表的故意行为或重大过失引起的任何损失和费用;
And CPA will be liable for intentional tort liability or civil liability of negligence because of intention or negligence under tort law. 而在侵权法下,注册会计师因主观上的故意或过失作出虚假陈述时将承担故意侵权或者过失侵权民事责任。
To enhance economic development, liability for damages is based on the actual damage by intentional or involuntary negligence. 为了促进资本主义经济的发展,损害赔偿责任以行为人的故意或过失造成的实际损失范围为限。
To the second question, Standards for intentional misconduct or gross negligence, should adopt comprehensive standard combine subjective and objective. 对于第二个问题,对故意或重大过失的认定标准,应该采取综合的标准把主客观结合起来。
When an architect breaches the legal obligations or contractual obligations in the course of performing their duties, if it causes damage, no matter intentional or negligence, he should bear the main responsibility for civil liability. 建筑师在执行职务的过程中,因故意、过失,违反业务或约定的义务致人损害,责任主体所应承担的民事法律责任即为建筑师专家责任。
For the basic form of crime, the dispute mainly lies in whether this form can be negligent or not, and this article argues the view that the basic crime is usually intentional sin form, but also for negligence. 对于基本犯罪的罪过形式,其争议主要在于基本犯罪的罪过形式可否为过失,本文对此持肯定的观点,认为基本犯罪的罪过形式通常为故意,但也能为过失。
Subjective behavior of manufacturing and selling fake drugs directly intentional or indirect intent, its production and sales of counterfeit drugs is a state of knowing, and of manufacturing and selling fake drugs behavior held hope or laissez-faire attitude, negligence does not constitute the sin. 制售假药的行为人主观上应是直接故意或间接故意,对其生产、销售的假药是一种明知的状态,且对制售假药行为持希望或放任的态度,过失不构成该罪。
This article focuses on the theory of fault, the first of the fault and Related Concepts and subjective fault theory and the theory of objective fault, analysis of intentional fault and negligence of two forms. 本文重点阐述了过错的相关理论,先对过错与相关概念的辨析和对主观性过错理论和客观性过错理论的探讨,分析了过错的故意和过失的两种形态。
Major Accident in the discussion of subjective aspects, the paper rejected the theory of community proposed by some scholars the possibility of the existence of indirect intentional and consistent with the form of guilt, confirmed only the views of criminal negligence. 在对重大责任事故罪主观方面的论述上,本文否定了理论界某些学者提出的存在间接故意的可能性以及符合罪状的形式,肯定了只能是过失犯罪的观点。
In the application of conditions, subjective elements should include intentional and gross negligence, objective elements should include illegal acts, actual damages and causation. 在适用条件上主观要件应包括故意和重大过失,客观要件包括违法行为、损害事实及因果关系。
Judicial practice of intentional injury ( causing death), intentional homicide and negligence causing death finds its main controversial point in crime constitutes. 在司法实践中,对故意伤害(致人死亡)罪、故意杀人罪及过失致人死亡罪的认定,其主要争议点在犯罪构成方面。
Penalties to punish intentional to the principle of the punishment on fault exceptions have basically reached consensus; And the wilful punishment heavier, lighter punishment of negligence. 刑罚以处罚故意为原则,处罚过失为例外已基本上达成了共识,而且故意的处罚较重,过失的处罚较轻。